Student Counseling


Raniganj Girls’College provides formal and informal counselling to the students with theobjective of holistic development of the learner’s personality. The system of formalcounselling involves the Mentoring system and Career Guidance and Counsellingand, the system of informal counselling involves the system of personalcounselling.


Thecollege creates a platform for counselling the students through the mentoringsystem. Under this system, the permanent teachers of the college, in thecapacity of mentors, are assigned the task of mentoring a small composite groupof students, randomly chosen across all the semesters from the differentdisciplines. The objectives of the mentoring system are:

  1. Provide academic guidance to the students withrespect to choice of subjects made by the learner, performance of student,participation in co-curricular and extension activities, and so on
  2. Provide guidance about future prospects in higheracademic pursuits
  3. Provide guidance in acquiring life skills.
  4. Provide guidance in miscellaneous matters related tocollege education


The other form of formal counselling provided to the learners involves career guidance and counselling through the Career Guidance and Counselling Cell. The students avail the different opportunities in career guidance and counselling that are arranged by the college authorities in collaboration with different government departments like the Employment Exchange or other non-governmental organizations from time to time. The organizers of the workshops on career guidance and counselling also conduct mock tests and examinations for the beneficiaries as a prelude to the different real life competitive examinations.In the past, students from the college have been placed in different private organizations through on-campus placement.         

Another form of career guidance is imparted through the skill development courses. The skill development courses in Beauty and Wellness, Nursing Assistant and Banking offered by the college in collaboration with NSHMU daan Skills Pvt. Ltd is apart of the Prime Minister’s National Skill Development Programme .These courses create off-campus employment opportunities for the beneficiaries and/or inspire them to become self-employed. In the academic year 2018-19, on completing training, twelve students have obtained off campus placement and seven students became self-employed.

A 12 day Skill Development workshop in Arts and Crafts has been conducted in 2018-19 by Fevicyrl certified professionals under the initiatives of Pedilite Industries Limited. In the workshop the students were trained in “Best use of waste materials”, “Interior Designing”, “Fabric painting” and other projects. Skill development training in soft toy making is also imparted occasionally and informally in our institution by Dr Rituparna Ghosh, Assistant Professor of Geography of Raniganj Girls’College. These development courses are basically aimed at making the learner self sufficient through self employment.


The students and their guardians also benefit from informal and personal counselling with the Principal and the teachers on specific problems of early marriage and other social and sensitive issues.


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