Class Rooms

The success of anyeducational institution rests on several factors, right from the quality ofteachers and students to the infrastructural facilities available there. And ofall the infrastructural facilities, the most important one is the sufficientnumber of well-maintained and better-equipped physical classrooms. True it isthat there are a number of virtual platforms today to hold classes. But theimportance and indispensability of physical classrooms cannot just be ignored.This is something that Raniganj Girls' College can boast of. There are separateclassrooms for each and every department in the college. The classrooms arespacious, airy and fairly exposed to sunlight. Some of the classrooms in thecollege are so big as to accommodate even 200 students at a time. Anotherunique feature of the classrooms here is that there is public address system inall of these providing greater and clearer audibility to a large number ofstudents. Furthermore, the windows of all the classrooms on the ground floorare curtained with nets to repel mosquitoes and other insects, thus minimisingthe risk of different diseases but at the same time letting light and air passthrough them. The classrooms furnished with adequate number of benches are usedfor taking classes and seating students appearing for University examinations.The sufficient number of classrooms allows the college authorities to use oneroom exclusively for physically challenged students to take their exams onthe ground floor. The science departments of the college have fairly spaciousand well-equipped laboratories to conduct their practical sessions. The newlyconstructed Science section with as many as....rooms will surely strengthen theexisting infrastructure of the institution. Apart from this traditional settingfor conducting classes following chalk and talk method, there are smartclassrooms and ICT enabled classrooms to keep pace with this fast changingdigital world. It is in these classrooms that the students appear for internalassessment online, which prepares them for various competitive examinationsthey are going to take in the coming years. There is a central seminar hall inthe college to hold seminars and different departmental programmes. The hallwith a spacious dais, a balcony and cushioned chairs is a perfect place for anyprogramme.

One dedicated classroom with Smart Board and other ICT facilities

One virtual classroom

Class rooms with Publicaddress system

Traditional Classrooms withblack board, chalk and duster or white boards and writing pens

Classrooms are cleanedregularly

Maintenance and repair workcarried out whenever necessary

Maintenance of ICT and PublicAddress systems is done on regular basis

The windows in the classrooms on the ground floor have been covered with fine polyester nets as aprotection from mosquitoes, flies and other insects.

Virtual Classroom

To Enhance The AcademicAmbience Of The College, A Virtual Classroom Was Set Up In 2017 With Advanced Equipment Like Camera, White Board With Interactive Device, Public AddressSystem, Highend Short Throw DLP Projector, Amplifier, Desktop Computer AndNetgear Wi-Fi With HDMI Dongle. It Has The Facility Of Audio And VideoInteraction With The Recording System. Its Aim Is To Provide Global AcademicAtmosphere For The Students By Collaborating With Other Reputed Colleges,Universities And Research Institutions At The National And International Level.


Design & Developed by Aadija Technologies

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